Shari Byers, i love you, and i love you so much that i wanna cry. You are the awesomest, I received your package today and it just made everything better.
I thought I was having a great day, my classes went okay, still ended up failing a quiz and getting a horrible critique on my project (for the fifth time since I've been at Andrews). My boss even gave me a three hour bonus and it was awesome. Then i checked my financial vue stuff and I thought that some rich benefactor had paid all my stuff cause I only had a balance of $132 left to pay. NO! They only just now finalized me and I still have installments to pay that are beyond what I am capable of making with all the stupid stuff they want me to do on campus.
Once I found out that I was not living a Cinderella moment I just about cried, I had been jumping around praising God, and now I'm back at the level I had been at = way in over my head. But then after the bike ride home, during which I sobbed a lot, I came home and saw the awesome package that Shari sent me! Filled with cookies and chocolates and things I would need for school. It not only made my day but it kept me from flipping out on my Mom, cat, and myself. And to all my other friends who i love, thank you. thank you for listening these last few weeks as I rant and rave and cry and throw fits and hate on Andrews. I can get to be a bit much but you guys have stood by me.
I can't wait till we leave this earth. I can't wait for the day when I can't remember what a computer or tv is. I can't wait to be free of all this craziness. God, I'm a little upset with you right now and I'm not gonna lie about it, I'm a lot upset with you. But I know you will come through somehow. Love you guys, I love my friends.
Song: Every teardrop is a waterfall by Coldplay