Sunday, February 26, 2012

Top 10!

Top ten things I love to do when feeling empty!

10. Play games on my phone

Watch the hours pass by like minutes and further acknowledge that you are failing to do anything worthwhile with your life.

9. Watch the news

Comment on how everything is pointless and we will all die one day and eat more nutella.

8. Dress up in random stockings and skirts

Feel momentarily pretty in your cute clothes but then acknowledge that you will never in a hundred years wear these cloths outside the house for fear of the powerful jiggle monster that is your body!

7. Put on any random makeup and perfume

And feel completely awkward about it because you never wear make up anyway and it never looks right no matter what and somehow you have managed to smell like you bathed in the perfume when you only just used a dab.

6. Stare aimlessly at the wall from the floor in the futile position

Try to think of nothing and realize once again that your thoughts, along with everything else in your life, are completely out of your control.

5. Read past journal entries

Notice that you were just as screwed up in the past as you are now and be able to note how little growth there really has been in the last few years.

4. Watch hours of dancing

Spend every minute wondering how it would feel to live their life and enjoy the ability to feel and express through motion without your center of gravity completely throwing you off.

3. Stare at craft projects and know that they will never get done

Then pick up the yarn and or fabric then put it back down repeatedly knowing that you won’t get anything done today.

2. Eat Nutella off a spoon *

Then complain about feeling fat and eat another spoon full!

1. Pray randomly and ask God to fix it

Then go right back to rolling in the very depths of depression.

Rinse and repeat!


* Nutella is the key to everything, feel free to apply it during all other steps as well!

Song: Where have you been? by Manchester Orchestra