What brought this blog on? So I was at work and this girl, of course she is beautiful, is getting stuff wrong on the tray line. The guys are all joking with her and laughing off her mistakes. I'm sitting there like... when I made that mistake everyone rolled their eyes at me and had an attitude. She does it and its freaking adorable! Right...okay, whatever.
Just want to clarify, I'm SO NOT fishing. This is just how I felt today at work.
I mean, I don't want to say its not fair. Personally I hate it when people say that. "Its not fair!" Such a childish thing to say! Honestly, either it happened for you or it didn't. But sometimes it does get to me that I'm not the type of girl guys will see on the street and be all over themselves wondering how they will ask this girl to marry them even before knowing them.
Not that I want that, doesn't seem like the guy really thought that through. I don't even know if I ever want to get married. It just kinda sucks that some people get viewed that way and some don't. To be desired...I mean...its not like it's been six....seven years since a guy has viewed me in that way but whatever.
Honestly, even while writing this I'm already over it. Its not even a big deal. Just had a strong wave of insecurity while at work and now its passed. And yeah, I know, love yourself and whatever after school program saying goes here. Doesn't mean these feelings don't exist, nor can they just be ignored. Also doesn't mean that we treat others differently because of their appearance or status in life. Blah blah blah, love one everyone.
Song: Betty Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes