I can never say how grateful I am just to have a job. Even though its a part time job that I can't live on and things are going to be changing very soon and I will require a more stable and higher paying job, I'm still so grateful. But I can't stay like this. Things are happening in a way that I should have seen coming I suppose and I need to work towards this coming future. Once again I feel pressed for time.
But what can I do? First, drivers license. Still don't have that...or a car but I think that goes without saying. Limits my working area and the hours I can work....
In the midst of writing this I went and applied for another job. Maybe this one will pan out. Yes I tend to put all my eggs in one basket and cry hysterically when things don't hatch but hey....here we are...
Kinda conflicted....there are things I want to do and there are things I need to do...Not so good at the waiting and I'm definitely not good at controlling myself. Guess its time to put the big girl panties on and just do the things I need to do and put aside the things I want....Time to wrap up my younger years...time to grow up a little...time to save my money and pay off some debts and move forward...time to go back to school and either get certified in something or just get a full time job where I could just work for the rest of my life.
Time to do something.
Song: Maybe I'm just tired by As tall as lions