A Beautiful building in Oxford |
I saw a blue phone box and it was not indeed a tardis but I have not given up hope. Mostly all I've seen is red phone boxes. The search goes on.
After the glorious trip to London, a night to remember indeed, we went out to the allotment and began playing in the dirt. This is what it must have looked like anyway. In all honesty we got a lot done for the three of us and two kids rummaging around not knowing exactly what we were doing. In the end, three older gentlemen came out and talked very kindly to us about our options and how we could tackle this gardening space with the least amount of hassle.
One of these gentlemen were nice enough to give us a crap ton of plums and baking apples! Promises of plum apple crumbles have been made repeatedly, none have come into being. But, being the amazing people that Jodi and Jonathan are, they did make jam from the plums and it is very tasty. It taste like peach jam though. Still super good.
Next I shall talk about the second trip to London.
1 helpful comments:
Soooo...what's the difference between a cupcake and a fairy cake?
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