Friday, June 14, 2013

Keep on Keepin on

I never expect things to work out, but then when they do I'm awesomely surprised and most of the time I forget to thank God or even recognize his hand in things. Today, I had my interview and I didn't exactly have a ton of confidence going in and thankfully I had my friend Brittany there with me so the stress wasn't too bad, but I was still quite scared.
Luckily there was nothing to be scared of! God really worked this one through and now I have a job! 
I've been feeling like this all day since I found out. They said they would call to confirm that I got the job on Monday but they called today instead! I'm so excited and I know that this has truly been a blessing. Also I was told that I could start on my CNA training as soon as I wanted but there is a six month wait period before I can move on to the next job, which is totally fine. 

So, to make a list of all the things I want to do when I start saving up money! 
1. Go to OtaCon in Maryland with Casey
2. Go either to Alabama/England to visit J&J 
3. Go to Washington and Oregon to visit more people I love! 
4. Go to Florida during the winters to visit Tati&Simon and the Mercills! 
5. Buy a freaking playstation 3/butt load of fabrics/sewing machine/ironing board and tiny iron/crap loads of yarn/and chocolate from The Chocolate Garden (to DIE for chocolate there...)

I will remember tithe and try to find a charity to give to and I hope I can do work in different areas. I do plan/hope to stay with this job for quite some time. Probably even after the six month period. This just might be what I need at the moment. So now, upward and onward. Many plans that only serve to make God laugh, and yet they still get made. Gotta plan. Gotta dream. Dreaming is so important and its been a long time since I've felt purpose or hope. Dreams are born from hope, born from the promise of a future. 

This message is brought to you by gifs of Tina Fey. Cause she, at one time, was who I wanted to grow up to be like and she is hilarious. 

Song: After the Storm by Mumford and Sons

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Not so absent

Sooo, I haven't been posting in a while. Doesn't mean I haven't been blogging, just haven't been posting. I would like to have more happy post and less post that I write when its cloudy outside or I've just had a bad day. Yay happy thoughts!! Gotta stop on those ANTS(automatic negative thoughts)! Right, so I have some good news and some whatever news and then some funny pictures mixed in along with that. 

Good news! I have an interview tomorrow. Well, I had an interview on Tuesday but that was only over the phone and I didn't really expect to hear back so soon but I am going to have another interview tomorrow so I am very excited! Its just a kitchen job and I wouldn't, hopefully, be there too long. The hospital allows people who are already working there to take CNA training through them so I'm hoping that I can do that soon and become a CNA which is basically a babysitter for old people. Not saying that this is my plan for life but I don't mind the idea of it being my plan for quite some time. It would surely fund my crafty needs. 

Desi with a job, that is something to celebrate...WITH A GIF!! I've fallen in love with gifs...

So very much what I feel about the aspect of me getting a job. Jus watching it makes me happy lol. 

Right! On to whatever news! We have a new diet coming in the house soon. This, and the interview, are things that we defiantly need prayer for cause we are bad at sticking to things in this house! It will be a mostly fresh foods diet with lots of veggies and fruits and no more processed yummies. Oh how I will miss the processed yum yums. It'll be for the best though, we need to change the way we eat. So this will be good. 

Also! My birthingday is coming up in seven days!! 
I look forward to cake and ice cream and orange chicken! These are the happy things that happen in summer. Man I love these gifs! I should just look at gifs when ever I want to be happy! 
Speaking of being happy, I downloaded the Ellen G White app for my phone and I was very sad to find out that it will not read to me! Gotta read all that...myself...Its nothing like my bible app that tells me wonderful stories. 

I think I've rambled on enough, very hopeful for this job interview and I plan on posting more happy things soon. Maybe soon I will have enough money to visit my friends in far off places! Cause I miss them all very much and I wish to do the following things to them on sight!

In that order!
Song: Midnight City by M83