Thursday, January 31, 2013


I am a emotional eater, when things go wrong I like to eat something that taste really good. Its an escapism thing, I can focus on the taste rather than the bad things in my life. Of course there is the soul crushing realization that comes after eating an entire cake or bin of cookies that I have just eaten my entire weeks worth of calories over emotions, but the escape at the moment is nice. I am an advocate of escapism, its not healthy but it is how I deal with things. Currently I have found that it is killing me. 

Its funny, even when you know what to do to make yourself happy its still a difficult task to follow through with. Change isn't natural, most change isn't within our power and it takes a great deal of struggles to work through it. Some changes are brought about by environmental changes that force you to change or be destroyed. Some changes are gradual and they will leave you behind if you can't keep up. Some changes are instant and they leave you in a state of shock that takes a while to work through. The process that I see before me, the change that I am going to have to undergo is going to be gradual and a shock to my system and for quite some time it has been environmental. 

They seem like easy steps, the six steps to my recovery to a happy land of joy and peace and bunnies. For me though, these steps will take away the one thing I have relied on for quite some time, which sadly isn't God. My escapism has to go and it is quite the difficult thing for me to accept. Anyway, on to the wonderful six steps!

1. Sleep schedule
     - I use a lack of sleep to help me avoid laying in bed and thinking. So when I hit the pillow I am knocked out. This must go. 
2. Drink water regularly
    - Seems stupid but for some stupid reason water is pretty important and I simply don't drink enough of it. All because two Hs decided to stick to a silly old O. 
3. No more TV/Movies
    - Obvious escape tactics there. Watch a tv show and forget about the world. Then comes the soul crushing realizations that I mentioned earlier that occur once the viewing is over. I just spent how ever long time watching whatever viewing and now I will go to my room and not live out my life even though I just spent so long watching a FICTIONAL character live out theirs with their stupid happy ending. Really must go...
4. No more non-uplifting music
     - I'm melancholy. I gravitate towards sad thought provoking music that makes you want to lay in bed and not get out. I find other music cheap and without creative thought(excluding a select few). But I am also emotionally impressionable by said music. Darn this bleeding heart. 
5. No more Fanfiction
    - Oh my stories. They are my ultimate escape, so much so that I have my own in my head. Stories based on characters and shows that already exist but their plots are at my will or the will of other very talented writers. I use them to put myself to sleep. I dive into them when I'm bored, I write them and use them to entertain my busy mind. They slightly consume me and are very very unhealthy...
6. Consistent conversing with and learning about God
    - Seems like this should be number one, or attached to each step. I suppose it is last because it is the hardest one. My relationship with God is strange, but completely necessary and kinda the only thing keeping me from offing myself. God is omni and I am a fearful human. Makes things hard. 

So there it is, simple steps to a happy life. Sadly I am addicted to these escapisms of mine...among other things...and it makes letting go almost impossible in my hands alone. Its not just letting go of things that are hindering me, its letting go of the bases of some social avenues in my life. Cutting off many conversational topics with many of my friends. It means letting go of things that are greatly apart of the person I have become through many hard times and struggles. It means changing. A painful process that isn't easy no matter what the situation. And I'm selfish and greedy and whiny and kinda really comfortable in this depression that I know so well. But I know its gotta go. This has all gotta go....maybe later. I'm going to bed. 

Song: Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons

Song: Baby Blue Sedan by Modest Mouse

Song: Another Door Closes by Jont

So I maybe might possibly could have a name for the blog: Between Now & Heaven

I like it. Gonna sleep on it. Maybe get a new hold my feels. lol

There is always that question. What would you give up for _______ (insert loved one's name). What are you willing to do to get better. There is always an answer, even if at the end this answer will bring pain. Even if at the end you lose everyone, everything. You still must make a choice. That's what it all boils down to. A choice being made and living with that choice. Are you willing to live with the consequences of your choice. That's all.

That is what it boils down to...

I wish I was a robot. God's little robot.

So much easier. 
I hate hard work...

Song: Thistle & Weeds by Mumford and Sons 

Friday, January 25, 2013

The F Word


I have been living in fear, more fear than I realized. I previously believed that it was fear of failing at academics again that was holding me back but now I see that the fear has spread like a poison throughout so many different avenues of my life. Its seeping into my church life, my hobbies, my friendships, my relationship with God, my will to be happy. 

There were all these excuses I would use to justify not getting to really know any of the new people at my church the way I use to get to know my church family. I use to yearn to go to my church families houses throughout the week, wanting nothing more than to sit in their living room and talk with them and learn more about them. Now here I am lucky to see them on sabbath if I end up going to church at all. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of getting close to these people because I know that within the next six months to a year they will leave me again. That is what happens in my town, it is a passing through town. People go here for school then they leave, and I stay. I'm afraid to be hurt again and this is the result. I have closed myself off from my church family, from feeling close to the people I worship with and that has hurt my relationship with God in so many ways. 

When I was leaving high school my caseworker asked me what am I doing to combat my depression and I said that I have a great church family and my relationship with God is keeping me up. Now I've seperated myself from my church family and I've scared myself away from God. Why? Because of the climb. I know God is with me every second of the way and is forever by my side but there are still valleys in the walk with Christ. It all goes up and down and that climb up scares me to death. I'd rather lay still in that valley than climb up that hill shaking with fear that it will soon go downward again. I once fasted from anything with a screen and I fasted for a week. As that week came to an end I was crying, I was afraid of the week ending because it meant I would go back. I would go back to living the way I was before the week, I would go back down hill. I've scared myself away from God. 

Never in my life have I thought much of myself. My finest attributes are my eyebrows and my sense of humor. Now here I am with hobbies like crocheting, knitting, sewing, drawing, some ceramics, and graphic arts. As always with my art I put myself down and look at the work of others to judge my own. It makes it very hard to believe in myself and to believe others when they believe in me. I have three clients of my own for whom I do graphic design work and I still don't know how to price my stuff because I believe it to be worthless. I sell dolls, crocheted dolls and I still can't believe I've sold even one, let alone for $80! Every time I create something I'm afraid that its not good enough. There was a long time where I had just stopped drawing because I had gotten one bad review. I have allowed my fears to hinder my creativity. 

Growing up, I never had friends like the ones I have now. It was all superficial, completely dependent upon us being at school together. Once that was gone there was nothing to hold anything together. Now I have friends that I would do anything for, friends that I have done anything for. Friends that I'm afraid of loosing because of what I'm finding out about myself. The more I try to find out where I'm going in life the more I'm not liking about myself. Every time I'm around my friends now I try to hide these things so they don't see, so they don't leave me. Even now, writing how I feel and whining like this. All the dramatics, all the overanalyzing, all the dependencies. None of it helps anything and yet still here I am, and I hate that about myself. 

Could never just let things be easy. Never just let myself wake up and smile instead of finding the darkness in my mind and holding up in it for safety from the sadness that comes shortly after the happy. I'm pretty sure I've lost my mind...maybe just a little bit. Being so wrapped up in fear, I can't live like this anymore. So afraid to live. My ants weigh so much more than elephants. I need to dig my way out of this hole. 

Song: Daredevil by Fiona Apple

Saturday, January 19, 2013

3 am

Sleep is avoiding me. Its my fault really, I haven't been very open to the idea of allowing sleep into my life tonight. I feel old and tired but not welcoming of sleep and the knowledge that I am only twenty four (will turn twenty five in June), Still feel sixty. Luckily my friend is living with us currently and she is keeping me company with her own bout of insomnia. Everybody is going through something, its always something. If it wasn't something it would be something else. Always something. 

Feeling better today. I am quite impressionable when it comes to music, even knowing that my taste in music is still quite melancholy(emotional, as my sister calls it). Today I forced myself ot listen to a Pandora mix station formed around Party Rock Anthem(by LMFAO), Gangnam style(by Psy), and Yeah!(by usher). Made for a heady concoction of mindless club dance music that I had no interest in but got hyped up by all the same. Guess that's all I need to get my graphic design projects done and to dance my way relatively out of a funk. Still a bit funkish(not a word, don't care) but I am feeling quite a bit better. 

Although...the thought of a brain aneurism sounded awesome a bit ago. 

Song: Comes and Goes (in waves) by Greg Laswell

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Night falls

Am I truly that dependent on the sun? 

More so lately I've noticed that when the sun goes down, so does my ability to stay away from completely debilitating depressing thoughts. At first I figured that it was just me winding down for bed or something in the day upset me and I over thought it well into the night, but no. This is something else, somehow my ability to think rationally and climb my way out of my hole is just not there when the sun is gone. 

This isn't anything new to my days in winter, seasonal affective disorder is quite common in my town and I don't think this is much separate from it. It has been cloudy the last few days but this is nothing like the lull that SAD puts me in. This is thoughts of cutting all my hair off because its thinning (another thing that is driving me mad), walking out the front door and not looking back (just keep walking and see where I end up), lay in bed and don't get up, scream till I can't scream anymore, tear up everything and refuse to speak again, stare at the wall and contemplate why you'll be alone forever. 

It haunts me every night and when I talk to people about feeling sad they tell me to think about all the good things I have, they tell me to just get over it, they say it will some day get better. They're knocking but for some reason I'm just not home. Its stupid really, I have to keep breathing... just keep breathing. I run my hand through my hair and I pull out strands every time, long thin hair. 

My friend would tell me to say three nice things about myself at a time like this when I am constantly putting myself down. Right now I have nothing to say. This kind of despair...the kind where my sins, which I have grown to find comfort in, don't even bring me the least bit of relief... I don't know what to do when I get like this. Like everything inside me is falling apart. Just reading this, I sound like a bratty little drama queen who is blowing things out of proportion. I am a sensible women, I am twenty five years old. And even though I have done next to nothing with my life, it'll all be okay. I just have to keep breathing.

Even if all my hair falls out, even if I never get married and I only live my life for my family and friends, even if I never ever get kissed, even if I gain another fifty pounds and have to wear a 4x and my face is covered in scars from pimples I can't seem to leave alone, even if I am stuck doing crafts and random graphic design work for the rest of my life, even if I never leave america, even if I feel this way forever...I still have God. 

Why do I always feel a heavy silence after saying that. 

Song: Awake my soul by Mumford & Sons

New name...right. Maybe TBA. Caution, Extreme Emotions! That's a good one.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What is that sound

The new year begins and another page is turned in the life of a whiny girl (Whiny woman...Lady fails a lot. Sufficiently unlucky Desi, I think I like that one). I've lived to see 2013, an odd number if I must say so myself. But maybe that is exactly what I need, a odd number for an odd girl. Maybe this could be the year of Desi. I won't say that I have a new years resolution but I do have one prayer... I'm going to keep it to myself though...

Why, you might ask, am I keeping it to myself? Because I want it to happen. Every time I tell people about a plan or hope or dream of mine it never happens. On my best day my wish will come true in a way completely opposite of how I believed it might come to pass. I have always wanted to be the kind of person that could plan for things and then promptly have them turn out like they should. Used to have a five year plan that ended me up in japan by the time I was 24. That didn't exactly work out as I had wanted. 

So I will keep my plan and wishes inside. I will dream in silence but I will act. Oh how I will act towards my goal and seek it out with a stronger vigor than ever before! I want this, I will always want this. I will have this, I will cherish this, I will protect this, I will live this, I will hope in this.

But in my heart, I know one the hardest blows. 
But I cannot help myself but to hope...

Song: What Sound by Lamb