Saturday, August 2, 2008


This is my first blog so I suppose I should start out by letting you (whoever the fuzzy is reading this ) learn some things about me. I am probably by far the strangest person you will ever meet. That is...if you ever meet me...which you probably won't...anyhoo.

These are a few of my favorite things: Music and Musicals, Art (drawing, looking at art online, computer graphics (photoshop), watching dances), Singing when no one is around, Reading shoujo manga when no one is around, Watching anime, Listening to music by Yoko Kanno (instrumental preferably), Playing with babies (aged from 1-3 preferably, they tend to go crazy after they turn three(used to work in a daycare)), Watching so you think you can dance, Hanging out with my cat Miko, Watching Digitally Remastered things (X-men, The Hulk, Iron Man, Spiderman, Heroes, Fantastic Four, Narnia, etc), and anything Japanese!!

I'm sure there are some other things that I like but I can't remember what they are right at this very moment. Umm...well these things seem to be normal but the fact that I'm the only black girl I know that has an interest in these things and wasn't adopted just makes them seem weird to me.

Hummm...what else...Got done with high school two years ago. That was kinda nice. Don't exactly know what I'm doing now. I was gonna go to college but a large amount of stuff keeps coming up. I was supposed to go to college this month on the 12th but That seems to have gotten screwed up as well...whatever... stuff happens.

What else...My favorite color is red if any one cares. I have an irrational fear of butterflies and moths and killer whales, disgusting creatures. I only like animals the same height of a cat. In fact it is quite possible that I only like cats. All other animals seem to be evil scary jerks of doom! I do like Mouse Lemurs though. Those are cute.

Yeah well that's all I've got. I will probably put up more if I think about it. Or if you ask....who ever "you" is. Yeah so that's that and I will have more whining soon.


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