Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good Enough

I have faith problems, but I am getting better...I think.

I suppose, back when I didn't have experiences of God, it was hard to accept him but now that I am having day to day divine interventions of God taking care of gets a little heavy...I'm not sure if that's the word I want to use...I don't know...

Life right now...I may run into a few bumps and slips but everything is working out on its own. I really feel like God is taking care of me and that I really don't have to worry. When things get too heavy he makes an escape route for me. I get tired and I feel like quitting but then by the time I feel like breaking its time to go to sleep and its all over till tomorrow. So I feel good...good enough..

The weekend is a haven. Although I have a ton of math homework I should get to...fuu...

Song : uuuh...I'm feeling a bit like Julia by the Beatles

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