Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Goodbye to You

Well...its been a good thirteen years. 

I'm scheduling the appointment to have my cat Miko put down. I'm trying to look at the bright side of things or rather the logical side of things with this but its just hard. He's my cat and now I have to have him killed so he can stop suffering. 

As my sister put it, "His reign has come to an end." 

Such a weird concept, putting an animal down. We hardly ever do that with humans. We just make them comfortable till hey die on their own. But with animals we just have a cut off point where they are no longer allowed to be sick. I can't even look at him right now. He is just so sad and limpy.

My cat is going to die. 

I haven't much cried yet. I guess it will really hit me later. Like when we are driving him to the vet or when I'm watching it happen. Maybe it'll hit me when I pay that bill, $ to help with the grieving process. Just seems like a lot of things are happening right now, wish this wasn't one of them. 

Song: Doll by Helen Jane Long

Oh Miko baby, I love you.

1 helpful comments:

Deshiro said...

If it helps, I share your a one 'mother' to another. You hate to see your 'baby' grow up and you hate to see them go...and if they die before you then something just isn't right! I will always have great memories of Miko that I'm sure we'll reminisce about often. Like when Miko would like the wall. Or when he would hug the fridge while he took a nap. Remember when he was sleeping on the arm of the sofa and he must have relaxed...and just fell off and then walked off like he meant to do it! I will miss him!