Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I had a dream

For some time now I've been dreaming, something that I hadn't done a while back and I missed it dearly. I had a sweet dream last night. Thought I'd share it. 

My sister and I were in a park. There were people everywhere and beautiful hills of grass and rivers. We were walking around when we heard a familiar voice say "What took you so long?". We turned around and there was Jonathan Burnett holding Hadassah. I ran and hugged them, crying the whole time. Then we see Jodi and Ellie and Jonathan's brother walking over to us. Mel ran over and hugged them and cried as well. Then for some reason I took Hadassah and ran all over the place laughing with her, gave her back to her father then did the same thing with Ellie. 

There was some weird bits where they couldn't see me and Ellie running about cause of some dimensional shift but it fixed it self and we were all able to hang out and be with each other. I was so sad when I woke up. I feel like crying now, just remembering it. Can't wait for heaven, where I will be able to love and hug and laugh and be with everyone I care about. I miss everyone so much. It'll all be okay soon. This life isn't the end. 

Song: Dream by Priscilla Ahn

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