Thursday, July 25, 2013

If it makes you happy

Got a late birthday present yesterday. Money can sometimes be tight around the house so its normal to celebrate birthdays randomly throughout the year. Its like a birthday surprise surprise. Anyhoo, my mom gave me a sewing machine yesterday. I had seen the huge bag in the living room earlier but I just dismissed it and kept walking, I had somewhere to be, but when she told me it was mine I just kinda was like "okay whatever". When I saw the sewing machine my reaction should have been a bit like this:

Instead it was a bit like this...

I feel bad cause I really like it and I'm very excited to have it. I just have no idea what to do with it!! Blasted thing intimidates me and...maybe I was just tired, it had been a long afternoon and I had just gotten home from work. Saw it this morning and just kinda glared at it. 

Don't get me wrong, I really wanna learn how to use it and it will probably be something I will sit and work with during my three day break from work. Probably just gonna poke it and cry then try again. New obstacles, I don't handle them well...

Song: Outro by M83

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

I've always been intimidated by sewing machines, but I'm sure you will be an expert by next week :)