Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Y is an ugly letter

So, I was thinking, why do we close our eyes when we pray?

This isn't a new thought for me, I've been wondering it for quite some time. I just would like to hear some feedback from others on why they close their eyes when they pray. Lately, after much thought on the subject I have been keeping my eyes open when I pray and it feels so weird. That ingrained thought process is just so powerful that I feel bad after I have prayed like I've done something wrong.

 I know there are some old ladies who flip a lid when they see people not closing their eyes when someone is praying. Which raises the question as to how they would know that their eyes were open, but I'm not here to put down others. Just asking a question. 

How do you feel about these doctrines? Do you believe that they should be followed to a T or should we really look into them and find the ones that are biblical and throw out the ones that aren't. People get the wrong idea about God when so much of man is put into the church. I don't know...Its something I have to think about. Been on my mind for a while. 

Maybe this is simply another distraction. Oh well! 

So ends another segment of "Y is an ugly letter!". I plan on doing more of these. Just questions that pop up in my head. I hope that those who read will comment and give feed back. That would be cool. 

Song: Gabriel and the Vagabond by Foy Vance

(Great song, check it out)

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