Monday, April 20, 2009

What to do What to do What to do...

I'm sure by now most people have heard about the new x-men movie that is coming out VERY soon...It is a very exciting movie that I want to see very badly...but! I can't go...My sister wants to go with me, I'm sure she would even pay for the ticket...but! I can't go...I am a huge fan of x-men and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Logan and his story and I turn into a giddy little girl every time I see the commercials...but! I can't go...

Why you ask? Why can't I go to the awesome movie? Because I made a choice not to about 72 hours ago...And I have to stick to it. Even though I woke up with a bad dream and reverted back to my old thoughts to feel safe again, even though I played final fantasy XI just because Celeste woke up crying yesterday (even though I said I wouldn't play it ever again), even though I am still very unclear over what I should and shouldn't watch....I still can't go...

Choosing God over the very very fun distractions of the world is hard! Two months ago I would have thrown the bible out the door and ran to the movies with my sister to see Wolverine! I would have gone on a Saturday! I would have been laughing and cussing and drinking soda and talking out the side of my neck the whole way there!

These changes are so alien to me that I sometimes regret even making them. But I know that the end result will be the one I want. So i'll never know how they butcher the last two harry potter books, I will never see another non-Christan movie...I will never play final fantasy again...

and its raining is a sad day....

Song: Out of my hands by Dave Matthews Band

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

my sweet Desi...God never asks you to give up something without giving you something better. Search for the better.