Friday, May 1, 2009

What I Want

With my sister home for the summer and computer time being cut in half, once again I am faced with the fact that I need a laptop.

When sharing the computer with my mama I am always barking at her about how she isn't using the computer right or how she is downloading too much stuff and it will hinder the computer use for the both of us. Sometimes I think she just downloads random games to spite me.

I almost had a laptop once...I was three hundred away from getting it. I would have had that three hundred after my next pay check. Then a multitude of things happened one on top of the other and everyone in my family knew that I was saving up money to buy a laptop and everyone needed money for more important things. I must admit, I have not gotten over this year old event and I am very bitter but I am working on it.

Sometimes I just can't fathome how I gave away $1100.00 to my family so quickly. I can't even remember half of where it went! But anyway...

Now that Mel (my big sister) is home I am forced to cut my computer time so that she can play catchup with the sims. I am trying to turn over this new christain leaf and not get so mad when she doesn't get off the computer when she says she will but all it goes to show is that I have a terrible addiction and that the computer has a death grip on me. Maybe God is trying to show me something....

So if that is the case then maybe a laptop is not the thing that I need. But man oh man do I want it like no bodies business... sigh... 91 days to go...

Song: Over-rated by Alexz Johnson

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

what exactly are you counting down?