Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"I like me some him"

Thats just...terrible grammar...I almost couldn't stand to type it. Its from this terrible song by Tony Braxton. Anyway it has nothing to do with this blog. But it is, however, how one of the girls in my interpersonal communications class talks. Maybe she is from benton harbor, they tend to have that broken grammar for absolutely no reason. Speaking of interpersonal communications, something glorious happened today, then something terrible, then something wonderful, then something mediocre, then nothing.

Lets start with the something wonderful, from the beginning of my adventures with college I have hated interpersonal communications. Not because the subject is stupid but because I couldn't stand my class mates. I got to the point where I couldn't stand to sit in the class unless I had my headphones on and I was listening to more than likely, angry music. Which proved to only fuel my anger. But yesterday I prayed about it and I told God that I was the only one troubled in this relationship. Those girls went home every night and slept well and I needed to end this lone suffering so I asked him to give me the opportunity to stop hating them. So at the end of my interpersonal communications class I turned around to the three of them and I told them I was sorry for harboring bad will towards them and that I want to put it behind me. I actually feel better! They were totally confused but they said that its all cool as long as its behind me. I hope that I can talk to them on Friday and hopefully they will ask why it was that I was harboring such feelings towards them and then I can tell them how I hated to hear them tease that poor troll looking lady in the class who is merely overly opinionated and is starving for attention. I can't stand to hear them swearing and I don't know what to do about their constant need to talk about how they go out drinking and doing drugs. I can't change them and that is not my goal. My goal is to let them know that it offends me to hear them say such things, teasing this girl is morally wrong, and that they are so much more than they probably give themselves credit for...

Anywhoo... after that I went to joanns and got a lot of wool and some double pointed needles which I plan on learning how to use. Then I went home and stared at the computer for far too long. Then I went to my intro to design class and I learned that I will have to take sixteen credits of classes in winter. I don't even know where to begin with that. One of those classes is gonna have to be approved by the Dean of education because I will have to take the prerequisite while I am taking the class. Curse my evil math 098 class...that class has not only set me back but has made me waste a whole class. Curse the name of typography!!!! Such a class shouldn't effect every class I will take after the winter semester but it shall...I am gonna be so busy this winter....God protect me from depression...

Oh yeah!!! THEN!! I believe that because I prayed to God about talking to those girls he made it so that I couldn't back out and he broke my mp3 player...its dead now...I almost cried. Today I bought a new one cause my refund came back from the school. I am really happy about that. The rent is payed, we have some food in the kitchen, and I was able to pay to get some gas in the car. ^_^ happy day!

Song: Fix you by Coldplay

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