Saturday, February 21, 2009

Journey to Praying


For a long time I have had big problems with my faith and with questioning everything. I tend to do the questioning to the point where I get mad and nothing gets done and I ultimately just give up. During bible study yesterday we talked a lot, I let things out that I hadn't talked about in a long time, I basically asked for help to save myself and what not.

So! I am going to start doing this whole praying thing regularly. Or at least I will do it daily. Since I check this daily I thought it would be a good idea for me to post this here so I can remind myself to actually follow through with it.

I need to build a relationship with god and this is how I am going to go about doing so. So watch out mp3 player, gospel music coming your way! Knitting will become my main pass time and I will try to spend less time on the computer and more time reading the bible. It shall almost kill me to spend less time on the computer but I shall try, I have to. Cause I'm sure going to hell wouldn't be much fun.

God Will Take Care of You by Plump

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

My dear Desi...that sounds like a great idea! Just remember, in the end it's not about the things you do or don't do, it's about the Jesus you know...we'll do this together, check up on each other to see how much time we're spending with Jesus.