Thursday, February 5, 2009

Life in song (so far)

There is one thing in this world that I love so much and that I would miss dearly when we leave this world. Music is one of the most wonderful things in my life, even though I can not make music and I am just an okay singer, I think I would have had an pretty empty exsistance without music in my life. So! I have decided to type up what my life was like though a series of songs. Like how my last post was so much like that song Alone by Heart. Great song, wonderful vocals, really big 80's sound lol.

So it took me a while but I have gathered up most of the songs that have sumed up some of the most important parts of my life. Like when I was born I picture my life like Happy happy joy joy from Ren and Stimpy and I'll throw my toys around by No Doubt. I was slightly crazy with a splash of happiness and joy. Then everything changed when my mom made us move to this frozen waste land that is Michigan and my life became a lot like Goodbye to you By Michelle Brach. Then I started school here and I was kinda happy until I got to know people and I was totally different then them and I didn't have any friends until I was in the fifth grade for the second time ( >_> I was held back...shut up, depression is a killer! ). So I was left feeling like Is it real by Yoko kanno, Over my head by the Fray, Unwanted by Avril Lavigne, and Sullen Girl by Fiona Apple until about my last year of middle school.

By that time I was feeling so much like Bad Reputation by Joan Jett and Fritz's Corner by Local H, I just stopped caring I guess. I went though this stupid rebellious faze and it wasn't even the normal kind, I didn't rebel against my mom or anything I just rebelled against everything that anyone was doing at school. It was so dumb and I kinda pushed people away by doing that which was stupid because those were the people I cared about the most. So that left me feeling a bit like The hand that feeds by Nine inch nails. So I was lost and confused around then and I felt a lot like Somewhere I belong by Linkin park and Let me fall by Alexz Johnson. Mind you this was all during my freshman year. I was such an idiot. Finally when I got comfortable in school I kinda went through a calm, it was like Voices by Yoko Kanno and Akino Arai and Beautiful life by Charlotte Martin. But during that calm I spent a whole lot of time trying to fix everybody else. Left me feeling a lot like There for you by Flyleaf, Never far behind by Aly and Aj, and Look what you've done by Jet (because I was being a totally self absorbed brat, thinking I could judge others) from time to time. Then I started to get serious about life throughout my Junior year and it was like Asymetrical Threats by Maserati. Senior year I was like I got this, all confident and knowing the flow of things feelin like Feeling good by Michael Buble and Kirakuni by Crystal Kay.

During graduation I was filled with the wonderful song Dancing by Elisa. Afterwards there was this feeling of Trouble by Coldplay and Living inside the shell from Ghost in the shell. Like after leaving high school I went back to living inside myself. Not really moving towards the future even though I had plans. Plans that were changed for me and swept under the rug. For a while I felt like From the inside by Linkin park and Forgotten by Avril Lavigne. I was so angry and I think I still am. Makes me feel like the person they are talking about in A place for my head by Linkin park. That's not the person I wanted to be so I just accepted that my life was kinda like Out of my hands by Dave Matthews Band.

So every now and then recently I dive into songs like Sullen Girl and Let me fall. Even though now I am more like Going on by Gnarls Barkley, The way things are by Fiona Apple, What I've done by Linkin park(even though I do enjoy the version MariƩ Digby sang on youtube), and Black Bird and There are places I remember by the Beatles. I'm left feeling like Soul mate by Natasha Bedingfield and Blurry by Puddle of mud sometimes. That's the wonderful thing about music to me, even though you are feeling these ways someone out there has already felt this way and has a song about it for you to listen to. Kinda like a 'your are not alone' kinda feeling, its nice.

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

That's a really cool idea, using songs to describe your life, unfortunately I didn't know many of them, but I got the picture.