Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Short Truth About Being Naked

I hate it. There I said it. I hate being naked! I hate to shower because I hate being naked. Every day it is an ongoing fight with my mom over whether I will take a bath tonight or a bird bath or whether she will be pouring body wash on me to force me to wash it off. Now, I'm not saying that I enjoy being dirty but I do hate having to be naked...oh God I hate it!

Everyone always tells me that you should be proud of your naked body, that you should love your self whilst you are naked. Why can't I love myself while I have clothes on?! I remember when I was younger I used to bath with a bathing suit on...but then I grew out of the bathing suit and I haven't gotten around to buying a new one... T_T

With all the technology in the world you would think they would have found a way for people to get clean without having to strip down...I don't think I will ever do Whoo Hoo if it requires me to be nakie...That is a big NO! Every doctor I have had has had a hard time with me when they have to do a physical or when they try to say I have to have that duck thing done.

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