Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well my sister, who was visiting for her spring break, left this morning at 6:45. She has come and gone before but today was different because she woke me up at five in the morning to help her put all her stuff in the car. When she left and I tried so very hard to go back to sleep I couldn't, and laying in bed with nothing to do is bad for me. Way too much time there for thinking.

Its days like today when my mom is sleep, my cat is lazy, and there is nothing to do on the computer that I really wish I had a car and that I knew how to drive. It would also help for me to not fear driving in the first place.

So here I am, I've been on the computer since 10 am and it is now 3:00. I'm listening to Charlotte Martin and wishing that I could run to a friends house just to have a laugh. Boredom has forced me to write this random blog and it will later force me to draw yet another disturbingly random picture that will cause my family to question many things about me.

I think I will just play the Sims 2 and secretly hate them because I wish it was the Sims 3.

Song: I want it now by Veruca Salt

a few hours later

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

Yep, you need to learn to drive A.S.A.P. Just do it can do it.