Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Operation Life Change GO!!!

Okay so, I have been going through this journy to prayer thing and trying to figure myself out so I can get closer to God and be ready for when Jesus comes. I've tried to take some steps on my own to alter little bits of the person I am so I can still be me and be with God but I keep contradicting myself and the old me keeps getting in the way. To get the big picture, the person I am right now is not a person that is ready to accept God and that is not who I want to be.

SO! I have been going through the stages of making some MAJOR ULTRA UBER EPIC changes in my life and its no off and on thing this time! Now I'm not saying that me as a person is going to be gone, I'm just saying that this attitude I have about everything in life needs to go, cause it isn't helping the big picture to be visible for me.
I have made a small list of things I need to go about changing in my life. And here it is! ^_^

  • I need to pray more. Not just before bed, during the day and when I wake up.
  • No more lying to myself and making excuses to justify my actions, either its wrong or its not.
  • Must stop eating meat so much. I know its bad and I can't keep doing it just because it taste good.
  • No more of those mangas. (I know what I'm talking about)
  • Care more about your neighbors. Its okay to care about your fellow man if one dies or has something bad happen to them. Just don't go debbie downer over board with it.
  • Read your bible more! (>w<) just do it!
  • Start moving forward. Exercise, get that drivers license, and get ready for college. No more excuses.
  • And stop over thinking everything. Just do it.

These are done in no particular order mind you. I'm going to do this. I'm tired of saying that I'm going to change and then I just give up in a week. Not this time. I am going to do this, come what may.

Song : Innocent Green by Yoko Kanno

2 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

Sounds wonderful, love. Just remember that in yourself you do not have the power to change who you are, not a real change. But the good news is...that's part of Jesus' job; you sumbit.

I like the excerise idea...wanna be my get-in-shape buddy?

Deshiro said...

Yeah I talked to him about that last night. We will see how it goes.

get-in-shape buddies UNIT!!!