Monday, March 16, 2009


I've never in my entire life wanted Monday to come as bad as I do now! I've got my whole week planned out but it all starts with the awesomeness of Monday!! Monday is knitting day!!! YAY!!! I did plan to just knit today and get those blasted fingerless gloves done (even though it is too warm outside to even wear them), but I have to watch the awesome kid next door as well so I think I might be a little late but it will be okay cause there is no new Heroes today! YAY for not having a reason to go home early!

But that's not all for this week! On Tuesday and Thursday I have decided to make those Japanese day. I will begin teaching myself Japanese on a normal regiment now! WHOO!!! watashi wa hontoni shiawase (I'm really happy)!!!

Then Wednesday I "plan" to go take my drivers test. This isn't the first time I've planned this but I hope to go through with it...I was also gonna ask Jodi to quiz me on things to know about driving. But I really think the drivers test will just be common sense stuff...idk...that day I am not so sure on....cause I have to watch Celeste then too....not to excited about that day....

I'm happy, even though Wednesday doesn't sound so solid. I woke up at 9:30 today, which was really hard cause I am so lazy and I almost didn't get up at all. Lately I have been waking up at 12pm and a bit closer to 1pm ^_^ but all is well! Its a new week! I slept well! And thank God....just because!

Song: Didn't it Rain by Yoko Kanno

1 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

sounds like a GREAT week! And you better go take that test missy.