Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Ever since I was little I have always said this sentence when ever I was feeling down or I was upset about something and there was no one around to hear me. I would say " I wanna go home." Most of the time when I would say this I would incidentally be at the place most would call home. I eat there, I sleep there, my family is there. But I would always feel like I wasn't home.

Even now at the place I am staying at I feel like it is only temporary and soon we will have to leave and we are currently just visiting. I was wondering about a place that I can call home. Would it be a place where I am living on my own? Would it be a place where I would be with all of my family (including my brothers family and my grandpa in Alabama and my dad's side of the family that I don't even know all that well). Or would it be a place where I would have my own family with a husband and some kids?

I really think the only place I will ever be able to call home will be with God. But man is it hard to find a home in something that you can't even see T_T....I really feel for my cat, he was taken off the street to a pet place thingy and then swooped out of there to my house with three strange people who have moved four times since we got him. He isn't aloud to leave the house, he only knows us and then there are strange people who come and go from the house. Then there is me who he thinks is his mommy and I half way abuse the poor thing with rules I'm sure he doesn't understand but gets in trouble for. But with all that confusion he still loves us and will go where ever we go. If he ever gets outside (by accident (or planned escape)) he always goes with caution and comes running back whenever he gets hurt or scared.

My cat has it easy though, he can see me. -_-

Song: The Traveling song by Will.i.am

2 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

I'm currently having a home struggle too, but it's a little different from yours. I feel like i'm in home limbo....is it Alabama or is it here, slowly I think it's becoming more here, with my husband.

Deshiro said...

That is a little different but I can understand that. You did come up here to be with him kinda leaving your home behind. I wonder if everyone will struggle with home issues until they are with God.