Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cabin Fever

def : a claustrophobic reaction that takes place when a person or group is isolated and/or shut in, for an extended period. Symptoms include restlessness, irritability, forgetfulness, laughter, and excessive sleeping.

I has that.

On days when I am not working, I never leave the house. I just don't find reasons to, nor do I want to. Recently my neighbor left for vacation from Thursday till today when they returned. The whole time they were gone I was watching their pets. Letting them out to pee and feeding them. But their dog was very needy and she howled whenever I wasn't over there for a long period of time. It got to the point where I had to sleep on their couch and basically live in their house for the last couple of days. I was lucky to break away yesterday and go to work, which was really what I needed for a long time.

I always thought that there was nothing out in the world that I needed or that I couldn't get while staying at home. I can't live like that anymore! I have got to get out of this house! I love my mom and I love spending time with her but I feel like I can't breath in this house! Thank God for knitting Mondays and random calls to sub at the daycare!

I think the best cure for all this is some quality time with nature. Just random walks or just sitting on the porch. I need to be outside though. I'm never gonna move forward if I don't leave this house! Curse you computer! I blame you!!!

Song: Can't keep it in : Cat Stevens

2 helpful comments:

madamraspberry said...

A-men sister...GET OUT! I second, third, and forth that (I can do that you know :) You have to get out more...whatever happened with the driving test friend? hmmmmmm?

Deshiro said...

Ah...yeah about that....next week probably...yeah...next week.