Sunday, March 1, 2009

Black and White Colored Dream Land

About a week ago I got a new mattress. I was in real need of one because my back had been hurting a lot lately with my old mattress. There were broken springs and stuff poking through the top and it had a terrible dent in the middle. Anyway, I got a new one and it is sooooooo firm!!! Like FIRM firm. I didn't really care if it was firm or soft but because I sleep on my back everyone says I should get a firm mattress.

I believe that because of this new, and now comfortable, mattress I have been sleeping better and sleeping deeper causing a nightly dream to occur! I haven't dreamt in forever! I just don't dream, I don't know why but it doesn't happen that much but after I got this mattress I started dreaming every night and about the strangest things. I don't like it!

Its like my mind is working even while I am sleeping, and thats when my mind is supposed to be resting! I dream about watching movies with my sister, I dream about myself being a character in that show leverage, I dream about dances, I dream about...strange things...

I listen to music every night when trying to go to sleep. The CD Blink by Plump. Its a great bed time CD. Its supposed to be for kids but when has that ever stopped me from doing anything. Anyway these dreams are conflicting widely with my new turn around and following God and whatnot! I know I should just ask for forgiveness but that fills wrong. Like after a while I should just be able to stop and then God will be able to stop hearing me say " I'm sorry" over and over.

Other than that the strangest thing about this dreaming is that its always in black and white. I never dream in color, and I never dream in motion. Its always like pictures, like a slide show. I can't even dream like everyone else... T_T

2 helpful comments:

Anonymous said...

Dreams are your brain's way of filing away information and memories. Think of it like a defragmenting your hard-drive - its a good thing. In the process of all this filing your brain just gives you images and story-lines...its completely natural and nothing to be ashamed of - its how God designed it.

Deshiro said...

I thank you for that. Really, that is actually an explanation I can understand. I should really stop sweating the small stuff like that.